Leiro e Hijos, S.L., Mejillones ultracongelados
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europa y áfrica A multinational group
America del norte

he LEIRO-GROUP selects the best natural conditions for our raw material all over the world: Galicia and Chile. We have factories in Portonovo and Chiloé.
There is an “Attention to the Customer” department, and we always offer high-quality products. Our aim compels us to keep an investment project and continuous improvement, assuming international challenges.
Our factories are provided with high-technology machinery. LEIRO`s specialization and innovation in the whole manufacturing process are the key that has made us leaders in the sector.

  • New plants

Dating from the 90´s and new factory in Chile in 2000

  • Processing

A totally automatic system (from the moment the fresh mussels is received until the frozen product is stared)

  • Processing capacity

200.000 Kg. live mussel daily

  • Freezing capacity

30.000 Kg./daily, with 4 continuous freezing lines

  • Sanitary control

Bacteriological analysis of each lot by company laboratory. EEC Sanitary Register

  • Quality control

Conforming with I.S.O. standards. HACCP system and F.D.A. and E.U. regulations observance.

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© Leiro e Hijos, S.L.